Johan Dalene





Johan Dalene ble født i 2000 og begynte å spille fiolin da han var fire år gammel. Kun tre år senere hadde han sin debutkonsert med Norrköping symfoniorkester. Tidligere denne våren vant Johan første pris i Carl Nielsen internasjonale fiolinkonkurranse i Odense, og han har også vunnet førsteplass i ni andre internasjonale konkurranser, inkludert The Thomas and Evon Cooper International Violin Competition, der han fremførte Tsjajkovskijs fiolinkonsert med The Cleveland Orchestra. «I saw the best Tchaikovsky Concerto that I’ve ever heard» sa juryens leder, Gregory Fulkerson.

Det siste året har Johan vært solist med en rekke skandinaviske orkestre og er i sesongen 2018-2019 Artist in Residence hos Norrkököpning Symfoniorkester. Fremtidige solistengasjementer inkluderer blant andre Oslo-Filharmonien, Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, BBC Symphony Otrchestra, New Japan Philharmonic, Odense Symfoniorkester og Sveriges Radio Symfoniorkester – hvor han også skal være Artist in Residence. Til høsten kommer også hans første CD-utgivelse ut på platemerket BIS.

Han ble nylig utvalgt til BBC New Generation Artists-programmet. Johan ble med i Crescendo i 2017 og spiller på en Antonio Stradivari, generøst utlånt fra Anders Sveaas’ Allmennyttige Fond.


18 year old violinist, Johan Dalene, is already making an impact on the international scene, performing with leading orchestras and in important recital halls both at home in Sweden and abroad. He recently won First Prize at the prestigious 2019 Carl Nielsen Competition, which was broadcast to audiences worldwide on

Johan’s schedule for the coming seasons includes performances with all the major Scandinavian orchestras and debuts with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra and New Japan Philharmonic.  Johan has also been invited to be Artist in Residence with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra in the 2020/21 season, during which time he will perform concertos, recitals and chamber music together with members of the orchestra.

He is a BBC New Generation Artist from 2019-21 and during this time will perform recitals, chamber music and concerti with the BBC orchestras, all broadcast on BBC Radio 3.Autumn 2019 sees the release of his first recording on BIS with the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra – with whom he was Artist in Residence in 2018/19 – featuring the Tchaikovsky and Barber Violin Concerti.

Johan began playing the violin at the age of four and made his professional concerto debut three years later.  In Summer 2016, he was a student-in-residence at Switzerland’s Verbier Festival and in 2018 was accepted on to the Norwegian Crescendo programme, where he has worked closely with mentors Janine Jansen, Leif Ove Andsnes and Gidon Kremer.  Andsnes subsequently invited Johan to play at the Rosendal Chamber Music Festival and they performed together again in May 2019 at the Bergen International Festival.  In November 2019 he appeared on stage with Janine Jansen and other members of the Crescendo Programme at the Wigmore Hall in London and at the International Chamber Music Festival in Utrecht.

Johan was born in 2000 and studies with Per Enoksson, Professor at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and plays a Stradivarius violin from 1736, generously on loan from the Anders Sveaas Allmennyttige Fond.



Photo: Nicolaj Lund
